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PostWysłany: Śro 8:47, 10 Sty 2007    Temat postu: Help with site development

My name is Georg. I'm web developer from Montenegro. I can design and develop any site for you. Write me letter and we will discuss what you want. But... My exclusive design has a high price. If you want something more cheaply see this store: You will find my templates if select Georg from authors list.

Sorry for advertisement and best regards,
PostWysłany: Wto 19:47, 09 Sty 2007    Temat postu: Webdesigners help


Nice site design. Okay, I need your help.
So, I wanna make online-store, and I am looking for site template.
Can you advice some online place or other resource where I can find many site templates?

It would be better if it will be free:)
I think many of us have personal sites, do you design it yourself?

Regards, Bill.

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